Saturday, November 23, 2013

So, You Come Here Often?


I thought long and hard about trying to do a recap post of all the adventures I found myself on since my last snippet.  That turned into re-visiting my old (and yet still beloved) blog Cells and Constellations, and that led to becoming embarrassingly sentimental and drafting a letter to it explaining why I abandoned it. 

A sign I'm still an irrational human: I feel bad for neglecting an electronic journal that exists only within the inanimate universe of computers and interwebs.

I might still post the letter, filled with sadness as it is, so be forewarned.  Anyway, that's why it took me so long to get this short and inconsequential post written.

Returning to the backlog of adventures that need re-telling...probably not going to happen.  I just don't feel like taking the time each one deserves, but I'm always happy to do a quick photo montage of the most recent excursions.

A visit back to one of the best places in the world, Columbia, Missouri, to see a few old friends and my favorite old building on campus in early July.

And it's familiar patterns

A brief pilgrimage back to Wisconsin later that same month, which is always good for the heart and soul:

A rollicking adventure into the mountains with Boyfriend, complete with free range cattle on the roads, a leaky tent during 24 hours of steady rain, expensive beer, and the best views this side of Everest.

First ever trip to a Renaissance Faire.  No pictures were taken, but whatever your imagination has dredged up, that was it.

Several excursions out to Sandhills State Park, it's proximity to my house is one of the many things I'm grateful for this Thanksgiving.

And let's not forget the adventures found in my own backyard with my nephew.  I'm convinced the desire to poke grasshoppers with sticks to make them jump is universal and innate.

1 comment:

  1. Perfect recap! One photo per adventure seems like its all that's needed. That mountain photo from your hike is disgusting, by the way. I can't stand looking at it. Ugh.
