Sunday, January 12, 2014

A Worthy Resolution

Let's talk resolutions.  I like to think I'm pretty good at coming up with swell New Year's resolutions, and while I did come up with a few solid ones this year, I've come to realize the best resolutions are made only after something painful happens to you.  Instead of feeling self-loathing or disappointment, you get a slight hint of grit and determination and say to yourself: Whelp, this needs work.

Behold, the day after my first real practice with beautiful new recurve bow:


Six times.  I counted.  Hard not to keep track when the bow string whips your arm because you can't seem to stop hyper-extending your bow arm.

But let me be perfectly clear on my true feelings:

I am SUPER proud of this monster of a bruise, even though it shows how much of a rookie I am.  I keep flaunting it to my family like it's show-and-tell.  Why, you ask?  Why parade my ineptitude?  Because this mottled mess of broken capillaries proves that I frickin' DID something other than sit on the couch reading buzzfeed lists.  Something that carries the risk of bodily harm, something that can inflict pain that you then have to learn from.

I also feel I did pretty good, and I hit the target at least as many times as I smoked my arm, and let's not forget the thrill of being outside in the late afternoon sunshine shooting arrows pretending you're Katniss Everdeen with a slightly different bow.

So, I am adding to my list of resolutions:

1. Write more letters.
2. Start keeping a book log so I'll stop wondering if I've already read something or not.
3. Start printing off pictures instead of hoarding them online where no one ever sees them.
4. No more string slap.

But maybe I'll get an arm guard just in case.